Stay positive, stay powerful

Ignore negativity to rise higher

Turning a negative into a positive

See how I've taken something meant to be hurtful and transformed it into a mission to empower girls through physical fitness and the sport of triathlon.


When Michelle shares her story of her Big Fat Nose, she encourages her audience to get involved. School children from third-grade to high school, stand up and share how they have been bullied and what they do to fight back. Even grown ups and adults openly talk about their experiences and how it made them feel. Michelle leaves her audience motivated and inspired on what they can do to turn a negative into a positive. She might even rouse you into wanting to try a triathlon!

Roger Miller – Gretna Public Schools

“Michelle Bandur did a wonderful job of connecting to the students of our district. Her message of personally accepting the opportunity to turn a negative situation into one of empowerment for herself and others in her community is inspiring. Michelle’s story of adversity and character had a very strong impact on our students of every level…especially our girls. I would highly recommend Michelle speaking to your students.”

Cheri Dickmeyer – Founder & Executive Director, FITGirl, Inc

“Michelle has the amazing ability to ignite a desire in others to want to be better and do better. Her experience with and message about bullying resonates with so many people and positively impacts young girls by reminding them that being bullied is not their fault and they are not alone. Michelle takes a very personal, sensitive topic and turns it into a heartfelt, humorous, inspiring presentation that is sure to hit home and affect change with everyone in the audience.”

Rachel D. Fox – Founder & President, You Go Girl Omaha

“Michelle delivered one of the most powerful talks I have ever heard. She exceeded my expectations. The girls and women were engaged and they asked questions.”

Kebby Holden – Founder & Designer, Coeur Sports

“Instead of letting a hateful act break her, Michelle had the courage to stand up, take action and empower others. The fact that she turned such a negative into such an incredible positive, not just for herself, but for hundreds of young girls and women, is a powerful thing. We could all use some of Michelle's heart and courage in our lives.”

It’s time to shift the perspective

Embracing who you are, at any age, can be a powerful tool for happiness and fulfillment. It's about appreciating the journey and being kind to yourself along the way.


Who does not like to get money in the post - but if that $1 is accompanied by a spiteful message; “use it to fix your big fat nose”, what do you do? When that happened to investigative TV journalist and six times Ironman Michelle Bandur, it was a gut punch that took her back to her childhood. She cried a little, then turned around, raised more money and co-founded a junior-tri club. Bringing young girls together from across the community, to learn how to swim, bike, and run, building their own resilience and self-efficacy to face bullies and more. From Michelle, the team, and the all the girls in the tri-club – a message back to that bully “Thank you”

Triathlete Magazine

MIchelle's story inspired her Coeur Sports ambassador team to nominate her for the cover of Triathlete Magazine. Every year the magazine, launches a cover contest to feature a triathlete lifting up others in the sport of triathlon. Triathlete Magazine chose Michelle and shared her story worldwide about how she and her Big Fat Nose helps empower girls with swimming, biking and running.  Watch a fun video of the photo shoot with photographer Luis Garcia and magazine editor Erin Berensi in beautiful San Diego.